I knew there was a reason I was secretly drawn to "The Man Show" -- years ago, of course! It wasn't the guy who could down a gallon of beer in about 3 seconds flat and it wasn't the boobs. It really wasn't! I knew that one day Adam Carolla would make me proud to be a man! Recently -- July 7, I believe it was -- he was expecting Ann Coulter to be a phone-in guest on his radio talk show. Ms. Toxic Shock was late and...well, listen in...here is a transcript:
ADAM CAROLLA: Ann Coulter, who was suppose to be on the show about an hour and a half ago, is now on the phone, as well. Ann?
CAROLLA: Hi Ann. You’re late, babydoll.
COULTER: Uh, somebody gave me the wrong number.
CAROLLA: Mmm… how did you get the right number? Just dialed randomly — eventually got to our show? (Laughter in background)
COULTER: Um, no. My publicist e-mailed it to me, I guess, after checking with you.
CAROLLA: Ahh, I see.
COULTER: But I am really tight on time right now because I already had a —
CAROLLA: Alright, well, get lost. [Click]
Brings a tear to my eye. Stand up, fellow Men!
LMAO!!! I will never say a cross word about Carolla again.
I read this little blog and thought to myself what a bunch of real dumbasses. I'll post as anonymous for the simple reason that i will not register and will never read your stupid ass shit again.
I suspect that Mr. or Ms. Anonymous disapproves of disparagements of Colter the Toxic Clown. One can only wonder on what grounds...
Ah well. I shall miss the approval and cogent commentary of and by said Anonymous as I muse forth in the future.
I'm not a fan of Carolla's but that is just too wonderful. I also enjoy watching Countdown make fun of Coultergeist. Sometimes you just have to laugh to keep from crying.
Sometimes I can't decide who is more appalling, Ann Coulter or Bill O Reilly. I might have to give Bill an edge. He has his own radio and tv show and has adapted the monniker of "Culture Warrior". However, Ann deserves points for purity in loathsomeness. Hard call.
In the words of Adam Carolla and Jimmy Kimmel: Ziggy Socky, Ziggy Socky, Hoy, Hoy, Hoy! Now go have a beer.
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